Christina came over this morning. Adam cooked us a delicious Sunday brunch and afterwards we started chatting about our current craft plans.
We decided that today would be a great day to officially start our 365 projects since it is the first of the month. We each set our own parameters for our goals and we will meet together every week or two to check on each others progress. I will be working on a project for a minimum of 30 minutes per day and limiting myself to 2 projects at a time. I will allow myself 2 because there are some projects that I can easily work on at my job and others that I can only work on from home. I am limiting myself because I know if I didn't make myself finish then I would start a new one all the time and never complete anything. I am starting with some embroidered wall hangings, a set of 4, and a spring dress that I need to work on the fitting and the hem. Here is a pic of the first embroidery so far.
Hopefully I will pick up some momentum after finishing the first project and get more excited. Right now I feel like being a slug rather than getting my creative juices going.
More again soon.
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