Sunday, October 26, 2008

Installation Shots

This is the postcard I sent out for the show. I did not have my favorite pieces done in time to put them on the postcard so I did this in photoshop. I love this paisley pattern. I have used it several times. It has wonderful details that are beyond what I could hand draw myself.

These are shots of two of the walls in the gallery. Adam took the pictures and I think he did a really great job, especially for a non-artist, computer geek.

I was so interested in the ceramic pieces when I was finishing the show that I was really surprised at how much attention these little 6x6in fabric canvases attracted. I had been thinking about leaving them out of the show but I am now very glad that I included them. They were fun to make and a great way to get back in to creating after my creativity slump.

1 comment:

Adam Simmons said...

Oh a "non-artist computer geek" am I? Well, I'll have you know I was into photography before you were even into art! So there! See who's non-artsy now!


PS. I Love you and I am really proud of your show.